Friday, January 26, 2007

Friday Night and nuthin' to do

As far as the eating is concerned, I've done fine the past couple of days...but the exercise? Ooops. Not that I didn't have good intentions, but isn't that what the road to hell is paved with? My plan yesterday was to walk to my massage... but I was running late so drove, so no exercise yesterday. And today I went to lunch with one of my son's old girlfriends, then came home and became a vegetable. (If you can't eat one, be one) It was a great day to curl up with a book, which, had it been a good one, would have been worth it.
For dinner, I had the second half of my lunch which I brought home from the restuarant. I like to do that, go out to lunch and only eat half. Usually lunches out are much more than a portion, and so bringing half of it home works out well. My choice was roasted eggplant, though it was stuffed with cheeses. But that was the only meal (eaten twice) that I had today. I know it's not a good idea to skip breakfast, but as there was no milk in the house I did today.
My big challenge is going to be next week when I will be heading off to a rug hooker's retreat. This is a yearly event where we go to a small church camp. We stay in dormitory type rooms, and spend the day hooking, laughing and eating. The camp provides the meals, and though they are relatively healthy, there is always a starch, a protein, vegetable, bread, salad and dessert and no one ever skips the dessert...try as we might. It's a little like a bunch of kids outside of the reach of their parents....we tell ourselves we shouldn't and then we do. Then we sit all day and do our craft. If the weather is nice we take walks. There are beautiful places to walk, the camp is located in the forest near the mountains, the view out of the dining room is breathtaking...or at least it can be if it's not cloudy. It is very stimulating and refreshing for the mind, but the body can get a little sluggish. The weather is supposed to be good, so I may be more successful at getting myself pout the doot...but then I might miss a good story, or a joke, or the opportunity to meet someone new. My physical health is very important to me, but so is my mental health. To be honest, it would be worth it to gain a pound or two...though I will try hard to maintain. I am going to bring my stretchy things and maybe do some arm exercises.
Life is a balance of good and bad. I have friends family that are more concerned about their waistlines than enjoying life. By that I mean I mean they would never allow themselves a fattening thing. I would like a smaller waistline, b ut I would also like to enjoy the hospitality of others, differnt foods in different countries. I try not to overdo it...but but I do think there is too much emphasis on size and not experience. That sounds as if I'm making excuses, I know...but I do know what I can do better, I am just willing to give it all up. I have a friend who's father told her once.," if you're going to watch your waistline, you have to get it out there where you can see it." And on that note...

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