Tuesday, February 6, 2007

New Blogger

May I just say that the whole new Blgger thing just sucks. It is difficult to get into, I spend so long trying to log in and by that time, I have lost my posting mojo.
That said, I have also lost my diet mojo. When I say diet, I am referring to the scientific term applied to a species' eating habit. I have over eaten and had afternoon sugar and need to get a handle on it again. I feel better when I eat less. Plain and simple. So I am starting again. I am still doing significantly better than in the past, but not good enough. Apparently, I still don't have the good posting mojo, either. I just feel very uninteresting and blah. Sorry bout that.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Hello dahling,

I'm here !

Go to my blog for my latest pissed-off-ness.!