Saturday, February 17, 2007

Bad Ginnie

I have been remiss. I have been so mad at Blogger that I have been giving it the cold shoulder. SO, since we last spoke, I haven't made huge progress. But I am plugging along, trying my best. That isn't completely true, sometimes I just want a damn cookie. Other people manage stress with a lovely martini, I manage it with sugar. I AM doing better, but not as well as I would like.

And, now for something completely different, it is Spring and the sun is out, and yes, I know it could all dissappear in a snow storm next week, but right now it is sunny! And people are starting to wake up and want to look at my house, which has been on the market for 9 months. Yea!! So I am crossing my fingers that good things are starting to happen and I will actually sell my house and move....somewhere.

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