Thursday, February 22, 2007

Spring is coming

I have a job interview for a job I really want. Mostly because it would be good pay, good benefits and retirement, things I don't currently have. It would alter some plans I had made, but I believe it would be a good thing for me now. And, with Spring, there is some interest popping up in my house. So, after a year of planning this move, I have hope that it is actually going to happen. I had my doubts for a little while about it.

My friend Chloe has what she calls, the Chloe 5 Fists a Day Diet. It is brilliant. The premise is that you eat 5 small meals a day, each meal no bigger than your fist. Nothing is outlawed, though clearly, 5 bowls of ice cream a day wouldn't be a great thing. But you eat pretty much what you want to eat, in smaller portions. There are the usual things to aim for, i.e. less processed foods, less white pasta, bread and rice, lean meats and fish, but really it is more about portion control. I think if I have better control on my portion size, everything would be better.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Hey girl,

I say eat collards the size of your head daily. Works for me!