Thursday, January 25, 2007

It's a Sunny Day!

Along with the rest of the nation, we have had an awful Winter/Fall so far. We pride ourselves on moderate winters so this has thrown more than a few people off. To wake up to a sunny day today was quite a gift and gives me hope that Spring might actually arrive sometime. I know I'm a bit premature, but those of us who dislike winter always hope for a short one.
My solution this year was to leave, shortly after New Year, for ten days in Puerto Vallarta. I love to travel, and one of my favorite things about other countries is the food. And I try it all. Oddly enough I usually come home a few pounds lighter causing me to give this oddity some serious thought. I eat more and drink more, how can this be? I think I've figured some of it out. First of all, I seldom rent a car, leaving me to walk or catch a bus. And walk I do. There is so much to see most places, and walking is the best way to see it all. Other countries have far less reliance on cars and more on public transportation, and feet. It amazed me, when in Italy, to see Italian women easily walking in high heels on the cobbled streets and plazas where I could barely make it in comfy walking shoes. It's all in what you're used to.
Back to Mexico, we walked daily, as much as we could and then would catch the bus back to the condo. As much as walking helped, I have to say also that their food is much healthier. The Mexican food we love up here, smothered in cheese, full of pork or beef and sauced to death is not the Mexican food we love in Mexico. Not to say you can't find that kind of meal, there are just a lot better choices. (and why go to a foreign country, only to eat the way you eat at home?) Carol and I found a little hole in the wall bar where we could get wonderful little shrimp tostadas. Basically just a small tostada loaded with shrimp and some vegies. (for all of $1.50 each) They also served a fish ball soup with vegies. Sounds awful but nooo, it was very tasty. I looked carefully but could really find nothing in this meal that I would consider "bad" for me. Well, maybe the cerveza we drank with it. Another day we found shrimp burritos, again filled with fresh vegies and shrimp. There were some sauces you could put on if you wanted, but not really neccessary. While there were prepared foods in the Supermarket, all of the food we got in resturants was fresh. Since the small places usually have the kitchen right there, you can see everything that goes into your meal. I did have some wierd fish tacos that were filled with more masa than fish and had a strange lardy taste...but other than that...if a person goes to the real places and not the chain or tourist places watching the calorie intake is not hard.
I thought I should try to eat in a similar way...mostly avoiding prepared foods. I do have some mixes and frozen stuff that I will use in an emergency, but I am trying to use things that I make myself..within reason of course. Martha I'm not, nor was I ever. I did enjoy cooking when my husband was alive, but since he's been gone I find cooking for one a drudge. So quite often have crackers and hummus, or just crackers for dinner. Not very nutritious. So I am going to try to cook meals for myself, and make enough to freeze half This will be a little easier later in the year when fresh vegetables are available. Right now we're stuck with those things in the supermarket that look like fruits and vegetables but taste like blah.
I did my stretches, and have kale, mushrooms and onions for dinner. And this afternoon when I go for my massage, I will walk there and back. Now to go out and enjoy the sun before it disappears again.

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