Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My bad

So, on Mondays, I always go to town to do my banking, and now I am taking an upholstery class on Monday nights. I go into town way to early and then need to kill time, and sometimes that involves food. On my way home, I was tired and justified it by saying I need a little protein. Well, I am guessing popcorn chicken and friend cheese curds form KFC/A&W are not healthy foods. But they are damn tasty foods!

SO I didn't maintain my eating real well on Monday. I took dinner to my mom, and she had cookies. Oh, well, as Our Lady Of Weight Loss says, "All is forgiven, move on". www.ourladyofweightloss.typepad.com She is magnificent.

We are still having sunshine, and so, life is good. Cold, but good. Sunshine does not equal warm, necessarily.
But I am off and shall have a lazy day. You have a great day, too.

1 comment:

pissed off patricia said...

Hey, thank you so much for popping in at MM. Thank you also for letting me know who you are. You know I love your writing over at Donnie's.

Don't worry about the food cheating. After I got over the flu I had a desire for all foods that are bad. I just went for it and got it out of my system. Still, eating the bad stuff that tastes good can be fun sometimes. :)